Team 1 is the Signed Numbers Team, and Team 2 is the Absolute Value Team. Reinforce the response to each distance question by saying, " The absolute value of is " and writing |_| = _. Ask: What number is this? How far from zero is it?Continue this questioning with –6, 0, 14, and –14, and so forth, until you are sure that students can differentiate between a directed distance and an absolute distance.But it doesn't tell you which way to go! It doesn't tell you what direction a number is from zero. Absolute value tells you how far a number is from zero. But, when I asked where the door was in relation to my position, you gave me a direction as well as a number, and then it did matter which way I was facing. Say: When I asked how far I was from the door, you gave me a number of feet, and it didn't matter which way I was facing.Ask: If I were blindfolded, how would you tell me where the door is?Students should respond with both the estimated length and a direction.Ask: About how far am I from the door now?Students should respond with an estimated number of feet.Now, stand so that the door is to your left.If students provide different units, even nonstandard ones like "steps" or "arm lengths," call attention to the differences and encourage them. Ask: If I were blindfolded, how would you tell me where the door is?Students should respond with both the estimated number of feet and a direction.

Prerequisite Skills and Concepts: Students need to be familiar with the inequality symbols and how to make and use a number line. Create and interpret statements of order for rational numbers in real-world contexts.Interpret statements of inequality as the relative position of numbers on a number line.If teaching remotely, share an absolute value number line that the entire class can see. Preparation: If you don't have a commercially prepared number line, draw one either on the chalkboard or on a long (preferably thin) sheet of paper. Materials: A number line and colored dots that the entire class can see ICLE (International Center for Leadership in Education)Ĭustomer Service & Technical Support Portal Into Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, 8-12 Science & Engineering Leveled Readers, K-5