This because the buildings destroyed by the catapult don’t give the attacker any resources, and grant you faster damage protection. to defend from this you want to place vunerable buildings inbetween defensive towers. often people launch several catapult attacks before they send in their monsters. **The catapult:** it’s the attacker’s most deadly weapon. however, there are some things i would like to point out to you: To be honest, i like seeing this stuff, because it shows there are people thinking outside the box, and not just copying other people’s designs. > Any thoughts? This is with a Level 5 Town Hall and Level 3 Gorgo. With high CF, it could be disadvantageous anywhere. But I didn’t mean anything about around the TH it could have been a silo or whatever. I suppose there could be good bases without NECs D. You should make walls connecting the TH area to the rest of the base, though. Also, you can’t have too high CF around your TH. Besides that, the monster bunkers are baitable (monsters can be lured out of it), there is no NEC (a wall of buildings that gives little or no resource that surrounds the main part of your base), and the fire concentration is too high near the TH. You might not need to worry about that at level 32, but you will later. Box bases are usually highly prone to PPX (10M putty catapult on Project X’s) and have no pathing, which slows the monsters down and forces them to go a certain way.

> It’s a box base with the TH outside of it.